Pipe Machine Tools for Power Generation

When you have a task to complete, you don’t think in terms of machine tools, you think in terms of solutions to your specific application. At E.H. Wachs, so do we. In solving problems we offer a broad range of machines ideally suited for the power generation industry, utilizing a wide range of machining technologies, one of which will be ideal for your application. E.H. Wachs highly efficient portable pipe cutting and weld preparation machines employ lathe, milling, sawing and wheel cutting technologies that deliver the precision required to get the job done quickly and accurately.
All Wachs machine tools utilize a cold cutting process for onsite cutting, beveling, flange facing and specialized machining, making Wachs the first choice of power generation professionals worldwide. E.H. Wachs offers a full range of hydraulic power units, tooling, accessories, portable valve operating equipment (used to assist in line isolation or valve exercising), portable vacuum systems (for clean-up/spill remediation) and precision drilling / tapping equipment.
When you choose E.H. Wachs it’s reassuring to know you’re partnering with the industry leader in onsite machine tools. This partnership brings with it Complete Support, including parts, service, tooling, training, onsite technicians, and the ability to purchase or rent our tools anywhere around the world. For new construction, maintenance, uprates or decommissioning make Wachs your first choice for Superior Equipment. Complete Support.