Sales Support

24/7 Technical Support
E.H. Wachs has a dedicated team of Regional Account Managers and Customer Service Representatives available 24/7 to assist in specifying equipment, tooling, drive options and more. Every member of E.H. Wachs sales and customer support teams are Wachs employees, highly trained and highly knowledgeable in all aspects of field machining and weld prep procedures. In fact, many of our long tenured employees are skilled machinists themselves.
And Wachs support is continuous, both before and after the sale. When you purchase or rent Wachs equipment you’re investing in the most complete, best built, longest lasting, and best supported portable machine tools available anywhere. Contact us today to discuss your upcoming projects, to purchase or rent our equipment, or to request a product demonstration, at your location or ours.
To find your E.H. Wachs Regional Account Manager for Sales or Rentals, see the Sales Contacts page here.
To find the Wachs Sales, Service and Rental Center nearest you, see the Corporate Locations page here.
To reach a E.H. Wachs Customer Service Representative, email us at, or call us at +1-847-537-8800.