DynaPrep MDSF 4854 Split Frame Clamshell Pipe Cutter/Beveler Pipeline Base Kit

The DynaPrep MDSF Model 4854 48-54in (1219-1372mm) OD Pipeline Base Kit is configured with the components typically specified in pipeline MRO operations. Large diameter thin wall pipe used in pipelines tend to be out-of-round, which makes precision weld preps with standard tool slides problematic. Wachs included out-of-round spring tool slides track the outside of the pipe to maintain a perfect land and prep. These slides allow a 12in operating range.
These kits are complete, just add a drive motor and tooling. They are perfect for most pipeline applications. Like all DynaPrep MDSF machines, their modular design means a machine configured for pipeline projects can be reconfigured for multiple applications, including deep counterboring and flange facing, making them highly versatile machines. These and all DynaPrep machines and accessories are available for purchase or rental at a regional Sales, Service and Rental Center near you.
- DynaPrep MDSF Model 4854 Rotating Ring Set
- 6B Spline Drive Pinion Housing
- OD Tracking Out-of-Round Tool Slide Set
- Manual Trip Assembly
- Extended Reach Reinforcement Legs
- Spare Fastener Kit
- Operating Hand Tools
- Storage Case
- Operating Manual
E.H. Wachs DynaPrep MDSF split frame clamshell machine tools are the foundation of a complete machining system that performs a wide range of field machining applications. DynaPrep pipe weld prep machine tools can perform precision inline pipe cutting, squaring of pipe ends, and destructive cutting of corroded or damaged pipe and pipelines.
A pipe cutter by definition, the DynaPrep MDSF pipe cutting machine can simultaneously cut and bevel inline pipe, and when equipped for pipeline applications can quickly prep thin wall and out of round piping. For machining of heavy wall pipe or high alloy materials, additional modules are available that mount without modification to the standard ring set.
Additionally, each MDSF can act as a pipe beveler, beveling inline pipe, open pipe ends and chamfering pipe and casing conductors. In applications where a compound bevel is required, the DynaPrep can act as a compound beveler, beveling with form tools (where the tooling has the finished profile) or single point machining complex preps such as J-prep bevels.
Going far beyond basic cut and bevel capability, the DynaPrep MDSF can be equipped with FFC and FFR modules for flange facing, converting the DynaPrep from a pipe cutter into a flange facer to face and resurface flanges, avoiding the need to bring specialized facers onsite. As a flange resurfacing machine, the DynaPrep MDSF can perform bolt face resurfacing, raised face resurfacing, record grooving, and RTJ ring groove creation and resurfacing. For counterboring pipe, the DynaPrep MDSF series of rotating lathe machine tools can be outfitted with counterbore modules, enabling counterboring and deep counterbore machining of pipe ends for tapers and transitions. Additionally, a WCR module is available for weld crown removal, and an end mill system module is offered that cuts pipe by milling rather than lathe pipe cutting.